Friday, March 30, 2012

Teaching People

Check out th One Person/Multiple Careers: The Book by Marci Alboher

We learn so many transferable skills in CTE. We can make those skills evident as transferable with this awesomeness:

Do it! use it! love it!

career development for all! Baby Boomers make for unexpected interns!
It's never too late for a new start. Also, sad that in the first paragraph the subject was told she couldn't work in a medical lab because she is deaf. Awesome she changed plans to follow her dreams at 50!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Workplace Gender Balance Project

Great image to use and share with young women and post on walls  in hallways.
Borrowed from another states' resource for women to know they can obtain a career in a male-dominated  field
Great image for our young men to know that it would be cool to be in early childhood education or  teaching - a female dominated field.

Great image to share with our young men that it would cool to be an mechanics, auto-tech and so forth - a male dominated field.

Check out more info on the CTE Workplace Gender Balance Grant here:

If you'd like to volunteer your time to help colleges write their proposals, help read proposals and award please contact me: 


Reach (Reticular Activating System,) Attitude (Amygdala )Develop (Dopamine)

Success happens when we understand the brain!
Teaching becomes robust. Guidance becomes richer. Our students become PoWeRful!
Great resource website:

Neurology and learning in the brain

Just as in the book by John Medina: Brian too is yet, another great resource on why our student might struggle with learning and why our brains are the reason:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Business, Marketing and Public Administration Industry

I also love this website. Again, what skills do our students need to head into the workforce ready to supply this industry?
This happens to be from one of my old editors at the Colorado Springs Independent. It's Arts and Entertainment for a younger generation. I know an eighth grader who would be a perfect fit for creating content for a site like this (when she's an adult!). Our students need knowledge of industry needs and future career opportunities. They already have all the "swag" our 21st Century requires of young entrepreneurs.

The Ever Changing Needs of Industry

Given the rise of the internet, news and media outlets have had to create a new business model. What skills will our future journalists need? Here's a brilliant news source in the Springs. I'd love to pick the publisher's brain about what skills she utilizes in her enterprise. Also, the link will take you to an interview of a local entrepreneur she interviewed.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Self Branding is What Students Do Best, Right?
Found this on the twitter account I mentioned below. I love fast company. I think it's a publication that could be used in career guidance. Showing it to kids and asking them, what do you like best in this magazine? Or even asking them to 'self brand' for an interview, or in their community.

social media and career guidance

I have some ideas about how to connect students to marketing and social media (language arts and stem!). Here's the twitter account of a local marketing business here in the Springs!/720Media I know a lot of students who would bring great talent to this industry and I'm excited to teach them to explore their interests in this field!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

SHOP is not a four letter word

From one blog to another...

SAVE THE DATE: Summer CACTE conference

For Counselors who would like to pursue a CTE Endorsement, the Community College 1 credit course will be taught during this conference. It will save you money, give you immediate credit and offer a great environment for networking, collaborating and having fun.

EDU 250 being taught at this years' CACTE conference! 1.5 days only!
Here's the link for the form for Endorsement through CDE:

It will be in association with Western Colorado Community College (WCCC) and the instructor is yours truly, Lauren Jones. :)

Mark your calendars!
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Latest TECHNIQUES magazine subject: College and Career Readiness

If you are a member of ACTE - Association of Career and Technical Educators and have a log in, you can access the content of the latest Techniques Magazine - seen here at

What does College and Career Ready Mean?!

read up on an article, with videos and good 'take-aways'.
Explore this website resource too!