Friday, March 1, 2013

Women in Technology

     After watching the 20 minutes of the Oscars I could actually stomach, I was so excited to see THIS It's an opportunity for women to share maker stories (much needed after Seth MacFarlane's misogyny, written about here by Amy Davidson, Senior Editor at the New Yorker). How wonderful for students to have an opportunity to see women in science and technology fields!!! A complete Documentary called "Makers: Women Who Make America" is also available to view. The maker movement provides so many opportunities for students to experience the how-to of contributing to our communities. Making and inventing is also what CTE teachers invite our students to DO!
     Next year, I am going to incorporate these videos into my teaching. If we can expose students to representations of women in tech industries and men in nurturing positions, we can really set the stage for all students to have greater opportunities. Also, I love the Tide and home product commercials recently that feature dads doing great work inside the home click here for the long version. It's actually funny!

1 comment:

  1. I'd love for visitors to post the names of women who have "Made Colordo" I'll start with one of my personal heroes, Susan Edmondson and Amanda Mountain. Susan has contributed to the fabric of the Colorado Community as an editor, the Executive Director of the Bee Vradenburg Foundation and most recently the CEO of The Downtown Partnership in Colorado Springs.


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